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Discontinued Item
LED PCB Module 25 - IP20 | CRI/RA 90+

LED PCB Module 25 - IP20 | CRI/RA 90+

Prod. No. Description Available Stock Retail Price
PM-002-927 LED PCB Module 25 - Ultra Warm White (UWW) - CRI/RA 90+ | IP20
Discontinued product | Product will then be discontinued
175 piece(s) 29,00 €
PM-002-930 LED PCB Module 25 - Warm White (WW) - CRI/RA 90+ | IP20
Discontinued product | Product will then be discontinued
586 piece(s) 29,00 €
PM-002-935 LED PCB Module 25 - Halogen White (HW) - CRI/RA 90+ | IP20
Discontinued product | Product will then be discontinued
179 piece(s) 29,00 €
PM-002-940 LED PCB Module 25 - Neutral White (NW) - CRI/RA 90+ | IP21
Discontinued product | Product will then be discontinued
304 piece(s) 29,00 €