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Discontinued Item
LED Flexstrip 48 - IP44 - Indoor | CRI/RA 90+

LED Flexstrip 48 - IP44 - Indoor | CRI/RA 90+

Prod. No. Description Available Stock Retail Price
FS-002-000 LED Flexstrip 48 Candle Light White (CLW) - IP44 - INDOOR | CRI/RA 90+
Discontinued product | Successor product: FS-050-020
103 roll(s) 96,00 €
FS-002-001 LED Flexstrip 48 Ultra Warm White (UWW) - IP44 - INDOOR | CRI/RA 90+
Discontinued product | Successor product: FS-050-025
0 roll(s) 96,00 €
FS-002-002 LED Flexstrip 48 Warm White (WW) - IP44 - INDOOR | CRI/RA 90+
Product already discontinued because it has expired | Successor product: FS-050-030
0 roll(s) 96,00 €
FS-002-010 LED Flexstrip 48 Halogen White (HW) - IP44 - INDOOR | CRI/RA 90+
Product already discontinued because it has expired | Successor product: FS-050-035
0 roll(s) 96,00 €
FS-002-003 LED Flexstrip 48 Neutral White (NW) - IP44 - INDOOR | CRI/RA 90+
Discontinued product | Successor product: FS-050-040
0 roll(s) 96,00 €
FS-002-004 LED Flexstrip 48 Cold White (CW) - IP44 - INDOOR | CRI/RA 90+
Discontinued product | Successor product: FS-050-060
18 roll(s) 96,00 €
DL-002-004 LED flexstrip custom tailoring in IP44 format 2-pin (Mono flexstrip) 18,00 €
DL-002-006 LED custom light strip tailoring to customer preferences 2-pin (Mono flexstrip) 40,00 €